Workplace Property

Excellence since 1971

We are a family-owned and operated commercial property management and development company.

Since 1971, Workplace Property has been creating and delivering high quality commercial property predominantly for small manufacturing tenants, but also for retailers and service providers across a diverse range of industries.

We have a strong track record of sound property management, delivering well-maintained commercial manufacturing and office space.

Our King Street Industrial Estate near Peterborough is home to our head office and some of the country’s most interesting manufacturing and engineering organisations. Our tenants’ businesses inspire us – they’re why we coined the phrase ‘Where Amazing Business Works’. You can read more about what they do here.

Our local communities are vital to our success and we prize the relationships we have made since our first development broke ground in 1971.

Our founder Richard Hiblin and co-owner and Director Dan Hiblin, take pride in seeing our local businesses thrive. Both have experience of creating and developing businesses themselves and understand the challenges faced by small businesses as they grow.

That knowledge coupled with a passion for our local communities and businesses, underpins and shapes the delivery of our commercial property offer today.

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Unit 16 King Street Industrial Estate
King Street Industrial Estate
1485 sq ft
Recently let
Unit 29 - King Street Industrial Estate, Langtoft
King Street Industrial Estate
2487 sq ft
Recently let

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