Workplace FAQs

Grow your business with smart, affordable
commercial properties and industrial units to let.


Looking for answers? You’re in the right place! Whether about tenancy, our location, or more, find our frequently asked questions below.

Lease agreement

Will I need to sign a contract or agreement?

Yes, our industrial units are usually let on a commercial lease basis. Smaller units may be available on a 12-month licence basis.

Legal advice

Will I need to use a solicitor?

You may choose not to appoint a solicitor to act for you, but we would always recommend that you seek independent legal advice.

Lease term

Is the lease for a fixed period of time?

Yes, the lease will run to a fixed term as negotiated.

Ending your lease early

What happens if I want to vacate my industrial unit before my lease runs out?

There are a number of possible options, such as assigning the lease to a third party, which we can discuss with you should the need arise.


Can I make alterations and improvements to the industrial unit?

You can alter the industrial unit, within reason, to suit your needs. However, all alterations and improvements must have our prior written consent. The unit must be handed back to us in the state it was given.


Has any asbestos been used in the construction of the industrial units?

No, our industrial units are of modern construction and are not built using asbestos materials.

Build specification

What type of construction are the industrial units?

All of our industrial units are of modern steel framed construction, with insulated cladding to the roof and walls, rooflights, power-floated concrete floors, double glazed, aluminium windows, and personnel doors, and insulated sectional access doors.


What happens if I damage the industrial unit?

Tenants are responsible for repairing any damage caused. We can recommend reputable tradesmen if required.

Extra storage space

What happens if I need extra warehouse, storage, or workshop space?

We can usually accommodate both short- and long-term requirements for extra space. Please contact the Estate Manager to discuss your requirements.


Are the properties heated?

We do not install heating to warehouse and workshop areas as our tenants prefer to install their own systems to suit their own individual requirements. We typically install heating to office and amenity areas, with newer units also benefiting from air conditioning.


Who is responsible for insuring the building and its contents?

We arrange a buildings insurance policy across all of our industrial units, with the individual property premiums being charged back to the tenant. Tenants are responsible for arranging their own contents insurance as appropriate.


Who is responsible for repairs to the industrial unit?

Tenants are responsible for maintenance and running repairs to their industrial unit and land shaded red on their tenancy agreement including the exterior and interior of the building, fixtures and fittings, and fixed services inside the building.

Office cleaning

Do you provide an office cleaning service?

We can recommend a reputable local agency if you require a regular service.


What happens if my proposed use for the building isn’t covered by the current planning use?

Please speak to the Estate Manager to discuss the options.


Do I need to arrange my own electricity and water supply contracts?

No, we have established electricity and water supply contracts for the estate. These supplies are then sub-metered into each industrial unit, so that tenants only pay for the amount used.


Can we put our company sign up on the industrial unit?

Orientation signage is provided at the entrance to our estate and via numbered buildings signs, featuring the tenant’s name, to each industrial unit. In addition, you may erect your own company sign in line with our signage guidelines. Please contact the Estate Manager for further information.

Type of property

What type of properties do you let?

Our properties include office suites, small workshops, storage warehouses and industrial units with integrated offices, kitchens, and toilet facilities.

Waste disposal

Who is responsible for waste disposal?

We arrange for disposal of your general business waste through our network of recycling skips around the site. These are emptied regularly, by the site caretaker, into our main skips, which are collected on weekly schedules. Note: the costs for this service are apportioned in each tenant’s service charge. If you have specialist or hazardous waste or generate a large volume of a specific waste, this should be disposed of in the correct manner direct with an appropriate waste disposal company.

Access for employees

Are the properties conveniently located for employees?

Yes, our rural location means that our properties are nicely located for employees who travel in from Peterborough, Stamford, Bourne, Spalding and Market Deeping, without encountering the traffic problems that come with a town centre location.

Access for HGV’s

Can HGVs access the industrial units easily?

Yes, our location allows even the largest HGVs to easily access our industrial units, with most also having forecourts to aid loading and deliveries. Most of our sectional access doors are large enough to allow an HGV to reverse inside.


Are the industrial units secure?

Our estate features a full barbed-wire-topped perimeter fence, with automated gates. Outside of normal business hours, access is by swipe cards which are issued to all tenants. A network of CCTV cameras covers the site and digitally record 24 hours a day. Out of business hours the estate is protected by alarm beams which, when triggered, are monitored through our camera network by a reputable security company located in Peterborough. Tenants are responsible for installing their own building alarms as required.

Local shops & services

Where are the nearest shops to the estate?

The nearest shops are located in the villages of Tallington and Langtoft, just a couple of minutes’ drive from the estate. Market Deeping is approx. 5 minutes’ drive and has a choice of supermarkets plus a selection of independent cafes, takeaways, and shops in the town centre. The estate is also visited by a sandwich van every weekday.

Site maintenance

Who maintains the estate?

We have an estate caretaker on site five days a week who is responsible for keeping the site looking neat and tidy. This includes maintaining the planted areas, cutting grass, weeding, picking litter, sweeping kerbs etc.

Types of tenant

What types of company rent your industrial units?

We have had a wide range of businesses occupying our industrial units. Some past and present tenant businesses have included internet sales, IT infrastructure, accountancy, printing, print finishing, pump hire, food processing, construction, book binding, electronic component manufacturing, and industrial equipment manufacturing.

Buildings insurance

Do I pay for buildings insurance and, if so, when is it payable?

We arrange a buildings insurance policy across all of our properties, with the individual property premiums being charged back to the tenant once a year. Tenants are responsible for arranging their own contents insurance as appropriate.

Business rates

Who is responsible for paying rates?

Tenants are responsible for paying business rates direct to the South Kesteven District Council.


Do you hold a deposit?

Yes, we hold a deposit equal to 3 months’ rent on our warehouses/units.

Rent arrears

What happens if I have trouble paying my rent?

If you are having difficulties, please contact the Estate Manager who will be able to discuss payment options with you.

Rent and licence fee payments

When is rent paid?

For properties let on FRI leases, rent is paid every 3 months, in advance, on the traditional calendar quarter days (i.e. 25th March, 24th June, 29th September and 25th December). For properties let on 12-month licences, licence fees are paid monthly in advance.

What money is due on moving into a property?

You will need to pay for your rent and service charge up to the end of the current quarter, the balance of any building’s insurance due for the year, plus your rent deposit.

How can I make payments?

All payments are invoiced well in advance and are then taken by direct debit on the first day of the month or on the quarter day, as appropriate.

Service charge

Is there a service charge and, if so, what does it cover?

Yes, there is a service charge which is either invoiced quarterly with rent or included in your licence fee. The service charge comprises costs for waste disposal, emptying of tenant septic tanks, maintaining security systems, monitoring security systems, and maintaining the common areas of the estate. These costs are apportioned back to tenants based on the amount of space rented.

Have further questions? Get in touch!